# Adding Watson Speech Services See [[Voice Options for your Chatbot]], [[Integrating Discovery and Assistant]], and the [[Main AI Page]]. [This video](https://www.coursera.org/learn/building-ai-applications/lecture/CyxxC/adding-watson-speech-services) explains the lab for adding speech services. It also inspired the [[Waiting with Python without Asyncio (While-Pass)]] entry into the Python Grimoire. These are [the lab instructions for adding Watson Speech Services](https://cf-courses-data.s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork-CB0106EN-SkillsNetwork/labs/Module%204/Lab5.md.html?origin=www.coursera.org) Keep in mind it uses method 2 from [[Voice Options for your Chatbot]]. You can use [the lab for this service](https://jupyterlab-29.labs.cognitiveclass.ai/hub/user-redirect/lab/tree/Catalogue_Conversation.ipynb) to use your voice to ask the assistant a question, then have the lab play back an answer. It actually worked, too.